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Thelocactus setispinus (15 seeds)

Thelocactus setispinus (15 seeds)

Regular price $5.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 CAD
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Thelocactus setispinus, best known as Hamatocactus setispinus is a well known cactus species that produce a succession of large silky flowers in summer and autumn. It is quite variable and has had at least 30 scientific synonyms, none of which recognized. The stem sizes vary from one population to another and the extreme forms are certainly very different.. At one time, two separate varieties based on size were recognized.
All seeds are fresh of this season and obtained from my personal collection.
NOTE: cactus seeds could be sown in any season under control environment, however if you wanna go with nature then best time to sow the seeds is early spring/summer )

(check my collection at
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