Plant mail instruction

Note: I deliver most of the plants Sami bare rooted.

Caring for bare-rooted cactus plants requires particular attention to ensure their successful establishment and growth. Here's a step-by-step guide for unboxing and caring for bare-rooted cactus plants:

1. Unboxing:

  • Handle Carefully: Bare-rooted cactus plants can be fragile, so handle them delicately to avoid damaging their roots or stems.

  • Inspect the Plants: Check the condition of the plants upon unboxing. Examine the roots for any damage, rot, or dryness. Inspect the stems for signs of damage or stress.

2. Preparation for Planting:

  • Prepare the Pot and Soil: Select pots with drainage holes and use a well-draining cactus potting mix or create your mix with components like perlite, Pumice, sand, and potting soil. Ensure the pot is appropriate in size, not too large to retain excess moisture.

  • Rehydrate Roots (if needed): If the roots seem dry, consider soaking them in water for about an hour to rehydrate before planting. Be cautious not to over-soak, as cacti are susceptible to rotting in overly moist conditions.

3. Planting the Bare-rooted Cactus:

  • Planting Technique: Gently place the bare-rooted cactus into the prepared pot. Arrange the roots carefully, ensuring they are spread out and not cramped. Add the soil mix around the roots, lightly pressing it down to provide stability.

  • Positioning: Ensure the cactus is positioned upright in the pot, and the soil is at an appropriate level around the base of the plant.

4. Initial Care:

  • Let the Plant Rest: After planting, refrain from watering the cactus immediately. Let it rest for a few days to a couple of weeks to allow any root damage or stress from transplanting to recover.

  • Gradual Watering: After the rest period, water the cactus sparingly. Ensure the soil is completely dry before watering again to prevent overwatering and root rot. Monitor the soil moisture carefully, especially in the initial weeks.

5. Placement and Environment:

Gradual Exposure to Light

  • Sunlight Exposure: The cacti were in darkness during transit, introduce them gradually to light to prevent sunburn. Start with indirect sunlight and gradually increase exposure over a few days. Place the newly potted cactus in a location where it receives ample sunlight after being accumulated to the new environment. 

  • Temperature and Humidity: Ensure the environment is warm and low in humidity, as cacti thrive in such conditions and are susceptible to rot in overly moist environments.

6. Observation and Adjustment:

  • Monitor the Plant: Keep a close eye on the cactus for the first few weeks after planting. Watch for signs of stress, wilting, or dehydration.

  • Adjust Care as Needed: Based on the plant's response, make adjustments to watering frequency, sunlight exposure, and other care routines as necessary.

By following these steps and providing proper care, bare-rooted cactus plants can successfully establish themselves and grow healthily in their new environment. Remember, cacti prefer dry conditions and minimal watering, especially after transplanting, to avoid root-related issues.