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Acanthocalycium kuehassii - seeds

Acanthocalycium kuehassii - seeds

Regular price $5.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 CAD
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Acanthocalycium kuehassii Usually solitary or slowly branching through basal shoots, but quite variable taxon with several forms.
There are a number of varieties of this highly variable cactus species, but not all are universally recognized.
Stem: Spherical, over time it becomes slightly cylindrical, growing to a height of 12 cm or more, and a diameter of 6 to 10 cm. The epidermis is green to dark blue grey, and become a clear powdery-grey in the older part of the stem (like some Copiapoa)

All seeds are fresh of this season and obtained from my personal collection.

NOTE: cactus seeds could be sown in any season under control environment, however if you wanna go with nature then best time to sow the seeds is early spring/summer )

(check my collection at
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